The Beauty of Languages

Essay Writing Competition 2019
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Runner-up -

Runner-up is "The Beauty of Languages" written by Lana Labudović

Lana lives in Croatia where she attends Ladimirevci Primary School. Below you will find her award-winning essay 'The Beauty of Languages'.  

The Beauty of Languages

Every language is different and special in its own way, and this is the best thing about languages. I love languages!

My home language is Croatian. It is a beautiful language, although it is a bit difficult to learn. I learn English and German at school, but I'd also like to go to a language school and learn Italian and French, as well as some other languages. My cousin lives in Austria and she speaks German. I love listening to her speaking that language because I always learn some new German words from her. I haven't got a favourite word because I like every new word that I learn.

I learn English at school and also when I listen to music, watch films and play computer games. I often see citations in English which always motivate me to learn other languages. When you know some foreign language you can understand songs, films or citations in that language and feel the beauty of it.

I think that the most useful thing about knowing foreign languages is that you can communicate with people from other countries. Every language has its own history and it is closely connected to the culture of the country where it is spoken as a mother tongue. For me, the history of English and the culture of English-speaking countries are very interesting.

English is the home language of about 400 million inhabitants of Earth. It was created from the dialect of three Germanic tribes. It quickly became dominant. It is mostly spoken on the British Isles, in the USA, Canada and Australia. In a nutshell, nowadays it is the language we use most often in everyday communication all over the world.

French is one of the Romance languages which is spoken by about 300 million people. I find it very interesting and I'd like to learn it, too.

I think that today's children speak English very well and like it, but there are some kids who just refuse to learn English because they think they won't need it in their lives. There are some children, most often in Africa, who can't go to school and haven't got the opportunity to learn a foreign language. It makes me so sad because I think that everyone should have the chance to learn the language they want, but unfortunately, not everyone has that option. That's why we should be happy and grateful that we can learn foreign languages at school.

When I grow up I would like to donate my money to help build schools for children in need. In my opinion, learning foreign languages can help young people become successful in life and would certainly open the door to a better future for some children.

One of my so far unfulfilled wishes is a trip around the world. I would like to visit Italy, France, England, Canada, China, Egypt and Russia. I think it would be a great life experience because I would learn more about the languages and culture of those countries.

The most important thing is that languages are something wonderful, and we should enjoy ourselves while learning them. I would like to end this essay with a beautiful citation which sums up how nice it feels to know languages: “A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language and for language.“ 

In the Age category 12 - 15 years, Lana whose home language is not English but Croatian, submitted a well composed essay that shows her passion for learning languages and her yearning in learning about other countries and cultures. Her quote of Gaston Bachelard sums up her commitment. Her enthusiasm and her belief in education for all is highly commendable. Thank you, Lana! Well done! Congratulations!

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